10% will be donated from all sales at the Studios of Dale L Popovich
free shipping on all items. Offer ends April 22, 2018, at midnight.

has had an eight-year battle to save this land in the Great Northwoods for the people and future generations. The Wildcat Falls parcels rare environmental qualities have been saved from the disaster of logging and subdividing for development. Stripping this high-quality land of old-growth hemlock and cedar habitat, scenic stream corridors, and other beautiful qualities that attract recreational visitors and wildlife.
It is anticipated that $260,000 will need to be raised to complete a Wildcat Falls Community Forest. For the land purchase itself, they expect $250,000, with expenses for appraisal, closing costs and related factors justifying the balance. The actual purchase amount will be determined by appraisal and any federal grant request will necessitate a certified ‘yellow book’ appraisal. Their goal is for 2018 to be a community-regional fundraising effort to establish a basis and a record of community support for this project.
In January 2019 they would hope to submit a grant request for 50% of the Northwoods Alliance acquisition goal to the USFS State and Private Forestry Community Forest and Open Space Conservation program. They would then hope to secure a match for our locally raised funds through a private foundation with land conservation priority. With this combination of local community funds and reaching out to a wider public, the Community Forest Program as well as a private foundation we feel this goal is achievable, with your help.
The annual holding costs to property ownership should be controlled by enrolling the parcel in the Michigan Commercial Forest Act, thus property taxes should remain modest and affordable. Future timber harvests or incremental donations shall easily cover property taxes.
If you are looking for a worthy Earth Day cause to support, please consider helping save this little piece of Heaven.
Thank you ~ Dale

Here's a note from a friend of ours, Rod Sharka
Donations should go to northwoodalliance.org as it is the main non-profit organization that we are using to manage any funds. Be sure to specify that the donations are specifically for the Wildcat Falls Community Forest fund, as NWA does other projects as well.
Note that we do plan to have multiple guided outings at the location this summer. Hopefully you and Marilee will be able to attend one or more. I think you realize that there is no established trail as of yet. I would like to get in there as soon as the snow melts (maybe by July this year) to open up a crude hiking trail to the falls so folks don't just trample the heck out of the area. Don't be in too big of a hurry to go up there. The road from Sucker Lake Rd. up to the property is mostly sand and can get pretty soft and boggy as the frost is going out. It's not plowed in the winter. Best to wait until at least Memorial day so you don't get stuck or tear up the road. I'll try to keep you posted.
~ Rod
Today our primary focus is the conservation of land and the protection of water in the border lakes region and the Lake Superior watershed. We believe in land conservation for the economic, social and intrinsic values to the public. As a necessary good to society we embrace sustainable forest management, as well as appreciate wilderness and wildlife habitat, and we strive for safe public recreation.